Archive | October, 2010

The Blue Shopping Bag

30 Oct

Recipe for success: Blue, white and delicate crocheted flowers.


(The double button is a recent invention – one big and one smolish in contrasting colours. I am so taken by it just can´t use a single button anymore. No matter how colorful and special a button by itself is simply incomplete.)

Pick me up handbag

30 Oct

One lucky day in a box labeled ¨$5 each¨ in some fashion outlet I found a simple, lovingly grey and unsophisticated shoulder bag. With a flair of military design. Very non-girly. Very me.

Then ANZAC day came and my humble donation of few gold coins was exchanged for a bright red poppy. So bright and so perfect in its simplicity it had to be attached to the perfect grey surface of my bag. Daffodil day brought a yellow daffodil flower. Then a hairpin flower joined them. Another one couldn´t resist the temptation of a good gossip and got in the crowd as well. Others followed. So these days my once plain simple grey bag looks more like a mobile garden. I get so many compliments (and not only from little old ladies at quilts exhibitions) that I felt obliged to show it to the rest of the world.

Here it is:

The secret life of the Rubik cube

30 Oct

We acquired this modern version of my childhood passion – the Rubik cube, from Leonardo da Vinci exhibition last year. With two catastrophic results.

Firstly – I found out that the stubborn thing wouldn´t behave anymore in my daft fingers and just won´t oblige and won´t get done. No mater how hard I tried. And of course all my claims that once upon a time I was ruling in the world of  Rubik cubes lost all credibility.

Secondly – the damned half done thing ended up in my daughter´s room and after a while mysteriously broke. Just by itself. Just as any other material object that happened to reside in this same room. (One of the unveiled secrets of the universe I suppose)

To prove that I had nothing to do with its destruction I lovingly put it back together. Well, not exactly a cube, but now it is cute.